AFC Best Documentary Cinematography 2025 nomine (French ASC Awards).
Cinematographer of over 100 documentaries, fictions, commercials, and music videos that have won more than 40 International Awards (2 for best Cinematography) and have been released in theaters and on the biggest international broadcasters (NETFLIX, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Arte, France TV, DR, SBS, NHK, BBC...).
- Blood and Mud 90' cinema documentary directed by myself about the life of a Coltan mining village in Eastern Congo (Valdès Borsalino, Pallas Films, Arte Cinema, Wild Bunch International, Goodfellas, editing in progress)
Selected as one of beneficiary of the French Cinema CNC Avance sur recette 2021.
-Melting Souls 90'cinema documentary directed by FX Destor anout the Siberian city of Norilsk (Les Films d'Un Jour 2017) FIPA, Dok Fest, Full Frame, Hot Spring offical selection 2018
Awards: Grand Prix in Lund and Autrans, Trésor du Doc in Alberville, Best doc in Bristol
-We are one 90' documentary about 4 social activists in Brazil, Mali, USA and France. Directed by Stéphane De Freitas for NETFLIX (Valdès 2020)
-On The Bridge 90' cinema documentary directed by Olivier Morel about the US soldiers suffering from PTSD after being deployed in Iraq (Arte/Zadig 2010/11)
Awards: Detroit Uptown, Chicago, Los Angels Movie Awards, Monaco, Chashama New York
-Didy 90' cinema documentary directed by Gaël Kamilindi (actor member of La Comédie-Française) and François-Xavier Destor about a Rawndan orphan searching for his mother's story (Phare et Balises, editing in progress)
-Toxic Sicily 90' cinema documentary directed by Alfonso Pinto and François-Xavier Destor about the people living in the most polluted area of EU (Elda production, 2023)
Award: Florence Popoli Festival, Jury price in Porquerolles, AFC 2025 nomine for Best Documentary Cinematography
-The Arctic-66.5 Degrees North 90' documentary directed by Freddie Rockenhaus. Esthetic journey through the Arctic circle (NETFLIX/Coulorfield 2022)
-Suites For a Suffering World directed by Stéphan Aubé. Musical poem following famous German Cello player Tania Tetzlaff (Apollo Films, Arte 2022)
Award: Opus Klassik 2023 Innovation Award
-Miradas Multiples 90' cinema documentary directed by Emilio Maillé portraying the fabulous work of Gabriel Figueroa the cinematographer of: L.Bunuel, J. Ford, J. Houston... (El Caiman 2012)
Venice Mostra 2012 selection (Venizia Classico), Camerimage 2013, ASC Club house presentation and Article in the ASC American Cinematographer magazine
-Teodoro en Concerto 90' cinema documentary directed by Emilio Maillé portraying in black and white scope format the famous architect Teodoro Gonzales De Leon (El Caiman 2017)
-Sky Poets 90' cinema documentary directed by Emilio Maillé portraying the fire works artists around the world (Canal+, El Caiman 2018)
-Ever, Rêve, Hélène Cixous 120' cinema documentary about the dramatist and feminist Hélène Cixous directed by Olivier Morel (Zadig Production 2017)
Awards: Tokyo Top Indie, Tbilisi
-Bengt, the Gentle Scientist 90' cinema documentary from Lars Bom about doping in high level sport with the master of human physiology Bengt Saltin (Bom Production/editing in progress)
-L'homme aux huis Pôles 90' documentary from Didier Martiny about the polar explorer Frederik Paulsen (Zanagara, shooting still in progress)
-La vie sans Brahim documentary directed by Laurent Chevalier about a Marocan illigal immigrant (France 2, Tact 2001). Theater release in 2002.
Awards: Gentilly and Clermont Ferrand
-Snowboarder 90’ fiction film directed by Olias Barco with Grégoire Colin and Nicolas Duvauchelle. Cinematographer and second unit director (over 100 shoots of the film) (Nord Ouest/Studio Canal 2002)
- Le cri du Caméléon (cameraman) TV fiction directed by Laurent Chevalier with Joseph Nadj (Arte, poisson Volant 1997)
-Folle de mon copain Rachid 90' fiction directed by Philippe Barassat. Cinematographer of the part name Folle de c'mec.
Theatre release in March 2001 (France 3, Arte, AF 1995)
-Les témoins de la nuit 13' by Sylvain Fouchet and Christophe Cousin with Daniel Duval and Aïssa Maiga (Why Not 2000)
-Bonjour Mr Satie directed by Lars Bom, with Lars Bom and Amelie Malling (Bom Production 2020)
-Mr Goyer 13' directed by Laurent Lindebringst with José Garcia
-Le mage du Kremlin 7' directed by Gilles Cayatte with Philippe Girard and Jean Alibert. The film is a part of the theater play adapted and directed by Roland Auzel from Giuliano Da Ampoli's best seller (Act Opus 2024)
-Sauvage 20' science fiction film directed by Nicolas Devienne with Solène Rigot (Canal+, Orfeu Production 2021) Award: Gold Winner at Tokyo Film Awards, Audience Awards: Paris short film festival, Riom, Josselin, Court Toujours, member of the Canal+ Christmass Selection, Best Cinematography Award at Amsterdam European Cinematograpy and Los Angeles Cinematography Awards.
- 24 films for Coca Cola (La Boite 2017)
- 9 films for the insurance compagny La Macif (LDF 2017)
- 3 films for Mc Donald’s 2016 french campaign (Crac 2016)
- 2 films of Onfone Scandinavian mobile phone operator (Went 2010/11)
- Mars 6' science fiction film full of special effects shoot on 35mm cinemascope for CNES (VA 2007)
- 3 films of the French clothes AAA 35mm (AF 1995)
- 1 film for Colgate (Javel product) 35mm (MBP 1995)
- 1 film for the SNCB Belgium National Railway Company (Sombrero Production1999)
- Camera operator on a film for Ovomaltine Super 16mm (Gap 1997)
-Cinematographer of prestige corporate films for Louis Vuiton, Hermès, Bic, CNES, ESA, EDF, UN...
-Cinematographer and second unit director on Waking The Baby Mammoth 90′ directed by Pierre Stine about a baby mammoth body found in the Siberian permafrost. France 2 coproduction (Woollyworks Inc 2009)
-Himalaya Search 52' directed by Christophe Rosanvallon (Upside 2007)
-Lovers on The Ice 52' directed by myself telling my own 58 days expedition to the North Pole with my girlfriend Bettina Aller (Freeport, TV2 Denmark 2004)
Awards: Dijon, Montreal and Ecollywood
-A woman in Antarctica 52' directed by myself about a female solo expedition in Antarctica (Gedeon Programmes 2000)
-Une place dans la République 54' directed by myself telling the life of 2 young drugs addicted. This film was achieved after 13 years of filming (Lapsus 2006)
Award: Étoile de la SCAM 2008
-Under The Stones of Gaza 52' directed by myself about the difficult work of the archaeologists trying to save the extraordinary legacy of past civilisations in Gaza strip. TSR Switzerland, RTBF Belgium, TVO Canada, SBS Australia (Gedeon programmes 2005)
-The Karate Lesson 52' documentary from P. Barbéris about JP Vignau an absolutely unique karate and life professor working in a difficult neighborhood of Paris (13 Production 2004)
-L'odyssée du Sao Mai 52' documentary directed by Jean-Phillipe Pons telling the 4 years journey of a young French team from Saigon to Saint Malo aboard a traditional Chinese Junk (Gedeon 2001)
Awards: Dijon and Val D’Isère
-Le chantier de la parole documentary directed by Bernard Monsigny about a group of young autistics. MK2 cinemas in 2000 (France 2, MACT 1999)
-99 Days on The Ice 52' directed by myself. TV2 and Voyage (Nonsense Production, Freeport films, Sombrero&Co 2006)
Awards: Dijon, Montréal, La Rochelle, Ecollywood, Bannf world tour
-Mars Rising Cinematographer of the European parts of the 5 times 52’ documentary co-directed by Pascal Cuissot about the future exploration of planet Mars. Co-produced by Arte (13 Production 2008)
-Porfirio Diaz: hero or traitor? 52’ about the Mexican dictator directed by Emilio Maillé (Bravo Film 2015)
-Bloody Cartoons 52' documentary directed by Karsten Kjear about the scandal around the publication of drawings showing the Muslim prophet (DR/Arte/BBC/ZDF/Freeport 2007)
-Paul Cézanne 52' documentary directed by J. Sutherland (Media assistance/BBC 1995)
-Alone in Antarctica 58' documentary directed by myself about Laurence de la Ferrière’s Antarctica crossing. La Cinquième and Rai (Gedeon 2000). Selected in Bannf festival
-Skibums 26' documentary directed by myself about the ski-bums way of life. Broadcast in Spain, Switzerland, Finland, Belgium, on Planète and Canal Horizon (Les films du village 1996)
Award: Lilles
-Vietnam, The Medias Betrayal 90' documentary directed by Patrick Barbéris about the crisis between the US army and the press from the Tet offensive in 1968 until nowadays in Irak (Arte/Zadig 2008)
Award: Étoile de la SCAM 2009
-Vaccine Diplomacy 52' documentary directed by Gilles Cayatte about the major diplomatic implications of CV19 vaccine (Arte/Temps Noir 2021)
-Northen Irland, the border of all dangers 70' documentary directed by Anne Loussouarn (Arte/Découpage 2024)
-The Arctic 90' documentary directed by Freddie Rockenhaus. Esthetic and scientific journey through the Arctic circle (Arte/ZDF/Coulorfield 2022)
-The Fantasy Life of Poetry and Crime 60' musical documentary with Peter Doherty and Fred Lo directed by Thierry Villeneuve (Arte/Sombrero&Co 2022)
-Stax 52' doc directed by T. Herman and L. Baillon about the legendary Soul label and its close relations to the USA civil rights movement (Flair 2018-19)
-The Flying Rivers 70' documentary directed by Pascal Cuissot about the Biotic Pump theory filmed in Amazonian and Siberian primary forests (NHK, ZED 2022)
Awards: Best Science Documentary in Silbersalz, Siver Trophy in Dauville, Bronze at the Reunion Island Science Film Festival
-The Last Prayer 90' directed by Didier Martiny about the desappearance of Christian communities in Eastern Countries (Ligne de Front 2016)
-Hellfest, Masters of Rock 90' musical documentary from Thierry Villeuneuve (Sombrero&Co 2012)
-The Secret History of Oil 2x52' from Patrick Barberis (Sodaperaga 2010) -Hellfest 90' musical documentary from Gaetan Chataigner (Sombrero&Co 2012)
-Les vieilles charues 90' musical doc from Serge Bonafous (S&Co 2012)
-L’Elysée au pied du mur 84’ from Patrick Barberis about the crisis between the French and the German government during Berlin’s wall fall in 1989 (Arte/Novaprod 2009)
-The Other Revolution 52' from Malgorzata Bucka. Cinematographer of the french part of the film (Alegria 2009)
-Fly Like a Bird 52’ from Stéphane Bégoin about the invention of the helicopter. Co-produced by France 3 (Sombrero&Co 2008)
-The Brown Gold 52’ from Jeanne Mascolo about the Cordyceps. This caterpillar transforming itself into a mushroom after its deaf is the most exclusive product of Chinese traditional medicine (Strawberry film 2008)
-Verdun’s Century 52' from Patrick Barbéris that reveals of the symbols of First World War Verdun’s battle as been used differently trough the 20th century. Co-produced by France 5 and TSR (Image&Co 2006)
-The Shadows of Devil Island 52' documentary about the French Guyana’s prisons directed by Patrick Barbéris. Only shot with crane and dolly track movements. Co-produced by PBS, History Chanel and RFO (Temps Noir 2005)
-Azincourt 52' docudrama by Rob Coldstream about the 1415 battle. More than 42' of fiction in costumes. Coproduction Channel 4/Arte (Junniper TV/Gedeon programmes 2003)
-Tout là-haut 26' documentary directed by myself about the physical and psychological effects of very high altitude climbing written together with Laurent Chevallier. Broadcast by France 3 and Planète. (Les films d’ici 1997)
Awards: Trento and Puy Saint Vincent, selected in Bannf TSR
-Place de la République 52' directed by myself about a year in the life of two drugs addicted friends living in the streets of Paris. Broadcasted in Switzerland, Norway, Canada (MBP, Les Films du Village 1995)
Presented at the Cinémathèque Française in Mai 2002
-The Golden Age? 52' documentary directed by Laurent Hasse about old people’s life (Sombrero Production 1996)
-Sous les glaces du Groenland 55' directed by myself about the first underwater exploration in the Arctic below 100m (Docside 2015)
Awards: 2 in La Rochelle, Autrans, Belgrade, Explos
-Nyiragongo, a Volcano in The City 52' documentary by Antoine De Maximi. Co-produced by France 5, Nova USA, Canada and Italie (Bonne pioche 2003)
Awards: Dijon and Autrans
-Le terre vu du vent 52' directed by Jack Cohen about two brothers during their third consecutive success at the Gordon Bennet air ballon race. (Sombrero 2004)
Awards: Dijon and Saint Hylaire
-Le voyage immobile 90' documentary directed by Emilio Maillé about a scientific expedition of Jean-Louis Etienne at the North Pole. Co-produced by TVO (Gedeon programmes/Espace vert 2002)
-Huit clos à huit mille 90' and 52' documentary by Laurent Chevallier about a scientific experiment simulating the ascent of Mount Everest in a decompression room (Ecoutez Voir 1997)
-Eiffel, A Visionary's Dream 90' documentary by Pascal Cuissot about Gustave Eiffel's work from bridges to Miss Liberty and his famous Paris tower (NHK, Nova USA, ZDF, SBS,Bleu Kobalt 2023)
Award: Gold Prize at the China Dragon Awards, Unifrance Distribution Award 2025
-Dieu Gou 52’ directed by Laurent Védrine about the restitution of Art stolen in Africa during the colonialist wars (Temps Noir 2020)
-Mandela, Beyond the Myth 52’ by François-Xavier Destor (Temps Noir 2019)
-Sunken Eldorado 70’ directed by Didier Martiny and Denis Delestrac about the new under water gold rush (Via Découvertes 2019)
Award: IFF Water Sea Oceans 2020
-Demography 70’ from Daniel Serre with Dany Cohn-Bendit about the chalenges of world future demography evolution (Flair Production 2016)
Award: Dauville Gold Green Award
-La force des femmes 52' directed by Ruth Zylberman about strong female characters fighting for changing their societies (Zadig Productions 2013)
-Ranthambore’s Claws 52' directed by Daniel Serre about the problems surrounding the Tiger preservation in India (Strawberry film 2008)
-Kruger to Pangola 52' directed by Daniel Serre about the management of wild life in South Africa and the collaboration between white farmers and black communities (Strawberry film 2008)
-Chronique d’un lac sacrifié 52' directed by Anne Loussouarn about the ecological and human drama happening around lake Edouard in Democratique Republique of Congo (Strawberry film 2006)
-Cécille Roll-Tanguy, a Freedom Fighter 52' documentary directed by Patrick Barberis about this great French resistant of second world war (MFP 2004)
-Les trésors maudits de l’Altiplano 52' documentary directed by Dominique Lenglart and José Maldavsky about the exploitation of Bolivia’s natural resources through centuries (Bonne Pioche 2004)
Awards: Autrans and Bansko
-Mission Arctic one 90' and five 52' documentaries directed by Jean Lemir and Thierry Piantanida about global warming. Cinematographer of the french parts of the films. CBS, France 5 and Télé Québec (Gedeon Programmes 2003)
-The Land of The Djinns 52' documentary directed by myself about the desert traverse accomplished by Régis Belleville and Taha Bouessif between Chinguetti and Timbuktu. Voyage, RTBF, TV5 and TSR (Gedeon 2002)
Awards: 2 awards in Dijon, Valauris, La Rochelle and Montreal
-L'Erta'Ale documentaries of 90' and 52' by Jacques Durieux about a scientific expedition on the lava lake of the Erta'Ale in Ethiopia (Taxi-Brousse 2001)
-A village in Antarctica 52' documentary directed by myself about the life and the scientific studies in the polar base of Dome C. Rai, Planete, Arte (Gedeon Programmes 2000)
-The Passengers of The Wind 52' documentary about two brothers who are champions of gas air balloons, directed by Jack Cohen. (Les films d’ici 1998)
-Everest Eyes Wide Open 26' directed by myself about a young snowboarder who discovers the Tibet occupied by the Chinese and the Everest occupied by tourists and dollars (Sombrero 1999)
Awards: Bailly and Lille
-Inside the Volcanoes 52' directed by myself about 2 lava lakes in Africa. Co-produced by Voyage, (No Penguins, Sombrero &Co 2010)
-The track to the Stone Age 52' directed by myself about the meeting with an un-contacted tribe hidden in the jungle of West Papoua. Co-produced by Voyage, broadcast on France 5 (Sombrero&Co/No Penguins 2010)
-Danish at War 65’ and 4 times 32’ directed by Karsten Kjear telling one year in the life of a group of Danish in Afghanistan and back home (Freeport Films 2009)
Award: Danish documentary of the year at the Ǻrets TV Festival
Suites For a Suffering World 90' directed by Stephan Aubé musical poetic film with renomed cello solist Tanja Tetzlaff (Arte, Apollo Films 2022)
Award: OPUS Klassik 2023 Innovation Award for Sustainability,
-Tom’s Wild Years directed by myself from Hasse Paulsen (Music Box, Sombrero&Co 2020)
-Au revoir mon amour from the French singer Dominique A directed by Azzura Lugari (Sombrero&Co 2016)
-Among Friends from Hasse Poulsen directed by himself (Das Kapital, NP 2022)
-Song from Northen Zealand from Hasse Poulsen directed by himself (Das Kapital, NP 2022)
-The Wild from Pony Hoax directed by Azzura Lugari (Somrero&Co 2016)
-Good from Rodolphe Burger directed by P. Mario Bernard (Sombrero&Co 2017)
-Happy Hours from Rodolphe Burger directed by Patrick Mario Bernard (Sombrero&Co 2017)
-Au-dessus de toi from Clément Chassaing directed by Azzura Lugari (Tamara film 2019)
-Give in to it from US band The New History directed by Paul Paulsen (The Ninth Pole 2014)
-Espagnol from Nathan Zanagar directed by Nathan Zanagar (Phosphene 2018)
-Cinematographer and co-technical developer of The Enemy a world premiere immersive augmented-reality installation created and directed by Karim Ben Khelifa allowing viewers to move freely into a 3D VR360 world to meet 6 actuals combatants from 3 different conflicts: Congo, Israel/Palestine, Gangs in Salvador (Camera Lucida 2018).
Awards: World VR Forum, Rose D’or at EBU, Numix 2018, Geneva SENsible
Selected at Sundance and Tribeca
-Cinematographer and Director of Visit EGRIP a 3D VR360 virtual visit of the Greenlandic scientific station EGRIP produced for the Illulisat Greenland Visitor Center (Nonsense Production 2020)
-Cinematographer and Director of EGRIP The Ice Core Station a 10’ museum documentary produced for the Greenland Visitor Center (Nonsense Production 2020)
-Sony Burano (8,6K 16bit Raw dual sensitivity sensor) fully equipped with a Leica Prime Serie, a Fujinon Cinema zoom, a Sony GM zoom serie... Video and Focus wireless systems, Sachtler S18 Flowtech,Sony A7SIII, Ronin, a very complete lighting kit (including 2 Day light HMI, 3 large Litepanels, 4 large flexible RGB LED panels, 2 small RGB LEDs, kinoflos, frenels, Chinese lanters…
-Still photographer published in numerous books and magazines like National Geographic, Paris Match, Le Figaro, Billed Bladet, Elle, Leica Blog ….
-Drone Pilot Professional Certificat
-Steadicam, crane, MoVI and Ronin 3D gimbal operator
-Underwater operator
-More than 100 hours of filming from helicopters
-More than 200 concerts (Ray Charles, The Cures, The white stripes, Pulp, REM…)
-Experimented mountain climber and diver, sailed more than half the planet
-Over a year of film shooting in Africa, months spent in deserts and jungles
-Over a year of film shooting at the Poles (both South and North Pole)
-French but absolutely fluent in English and Danish, able to manage in German and shooting knowledge of Spanish and Arabic